Higher Education


We have experience providing investment advisory services to the higher education sector. We are actively involved with higher education industry associations such as the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and understand the current challenges and opportunities faced by our clients.

This experience helps inform our approach to managing portfolios of varying complexities, liquidity requirements, time horizons and risk budgets.  

We work closely with colleges and universities to design and customize an investment program around their specific cash flow needs. This includes a thorough review of cash flows and seasonality trends with an eye toward prudently balancing allocations to meet working capital, contingency spending, and core or long-term reserve needs. Our investment professionals work with our clients to invest these across a variety of fixed income strategies including cash, short, intermediate, and core aggregate. For bond proceeds from tax exempt debt issuance, our professionals are experienced in designing strategies that consider the arbitrage rebate and yield restriction requirements of Section 148(f) of the internal revenue code.

For excess reserves, endowment, or other funds our OCIO solution leverages our wide range of access to third-party managers and funds across public and private markets to customize multi-asset class portfolios consistent with your spending policies and risk tolerance.



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Why work with PFMAM?

We have more than 40 years of experience serving the public sector. We combine national perspective with local connection to build tailored, flexible investment solutions across fixed income and multi-asset class strategies. Our focus is on liquidity management, investment-grade fixed income, and OCIO solutions. We look forward to working with you to develop custom solutions to your specific needs.
